Integrated Education  for ALL migrants distributed equally in all European countries.
Our petition has been promoted by our Ambassador school IISMajorana-A.Cascino of Piazza Armerina in  Italy, who has already involved all the European Ambassador schools, making a network for an important cause for Europe.
After a deep study of the Dublin Convention, while appreciating the attempt to modify the reform, waiting to be adopted soon, we want to promote the following petition
We ask:
Equitable distribution of all migrants in all European countries according to a principle of sharing and solidarity and a complete integration of  migrants in the European host country through the Education and Training provided by the European schools.
In particular we point out:
1) that the relocation of migrants in all Europe must be compulsory and automatic and for all types of migrants: economic, refugees, delinquents, unaccompanied minors.
The criterion for attributing responsibility to the Member State of first entry must be completely removed as it continues in the reform as the main criterion for determining responsibility.
2) the allocation mechanism that should only be applied to the reform in emergency situations and therefore in situations of high flow, when the asylum systems of the Member States concerned are already collapsing,
must ALWAYS be applied
even in situations of normal administration of the Common European Asylum Sys
The responsible Member State must be that in which the applicant has family ties in an extended family conception that is not only limited to the nuclear family as is the case at present. It is necessary to immediately transfer applicants where they have family and to examine their application for international protection on the basis of a quick preventive check. The timing of the procedures at least with regard to cases of family reunification and those involving particularly vulnerable applicants such as children must be treated as a matter of priority and in a short time.
4) the arms embargo for countries that directly or indirectly finance terrorism and fuel civil wars.
Moreover, since our institution is a school and has made a network with other schools in Europe, it is requested to be able to establish a system together with the official structures such as the Sprar (protection system for asylum seekers and refugees) the Cass (extraordinary reception centers) the CPIA (provincial centers for adult education) since Education and Training can be central to welcoming and integrating Migrants.
In particular, the European schools can contribute to: a) promote literacy in the language of the host country and the knowledge and understanding of its culture with integrated didactic paths while recognizing their cultural heritage and continuing to profess their faith, and follow your own habits and customs.
b) to educate for civil coexistence and legality and to promote universal citizenship rights.
c) recognize the skills, degrees and certifications acquired in the country of origin and support the migrant with didactic and training paths aimed at building a personal, university and professional life project for the complete integration in the welcoming country or for disseminating one’s own training and work experience in their country of origin in case of repatriation.
d) Involve in Europe all the sectors of the school, Universities and Institutions in the research and intervention actions to BUILD a culture of acceptance, integration and peace.